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The Workshop is now located in Nantes City Center

Please come visit my new place (only after booking it) and take a course at the Bois Briand Castle - 10 rue du Bois Briand in Nantes

26 and 27th March 2022 - Comic book festival (Ancenis)

2 days of exposure and meeting the authors

Discover the workshop online!

Through this little video you can discover my workshop and part of my work (in french only sorry) : Here it is!!

More infos

Actualité du monde de l'Enluminure


The magical atmosphere of the workshop

In the workshop and in my soul there are sun and light all day long! I love to work with sheer gold sheets, bright silver or shiny copper, then giving birthe to my works. My colors are unique and very bright, I create them from natural and historical pigments. Alchemy is definitely there when I extract my colors from plants, stones, earths (en even insects).

Parchment is one of my favorite material, It is translucent but still leathery-strong, I choose it very carefully because I specially appreciate soft and creamy texture. I also really appreciate a grained hand-made paper.

I love to gather beautyfull objects and lavish materials in my workshop. Then, I emmerse myself in a gentle capernaum of colors, books and material to work, create, dream and paint.

So...Witch or not Witch?photo Marthe

As far as I can remember I always loved to draw and make potions with the garden plants. As I grew-up I became fascinated par the shinning colors and brigthness of Illumation, so I decided to learn it!

After my graduation as a "Elumineur de France" I opened the Atelier Pigments et Vermeil. I also was a finalist in the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France en Enluminure en 2015 et 2017 contest.

Always looking for new techniques and old knowledges I am always happy to follow traditionnal paths or to play with the graphic codes.

I wish you will enjoy to look at my work as much as I did when I painted it!

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